Penny Blood Update

Posted: August 18, 2010 in My Comics

Hey there, I know I haven’t written in a while. I need to get better about that. As I must remind myself, this was started as a way to coalesce my thoughts and make something out of them. Then again, I’m not entirely sure how much good it’s done me to that end. But we’ll see. I may just resort to using my deviantart journal for that.

ANYWAY. Penny Blood. I’ve got the first six pages thumbed out roughly, so that will actually become a reality before long. I’m hoping to give myself enough of a buffer to stay on top of it, but I guess we’ll see huh?

Still Alive

Posted: August 4, 2010 in Uncategorized

Heeeey. Haven’t posted in too long. Well, I’ve been working up my projects and dealing with life stuff. My project for One Love for Chi is kicking up; I’m almost ready to start the official dA group and get things rolling. More on that soon. Until then, enjoy this little Thank You postcard I made for everyone who sent me something for my 21st.

Because in a fit of nostalgia I drew him. It was quite cathartic, honestly. I feel like God’s been rewinding certain parts of my heart, undoing damages done with “backwards mutterings of dissevering power,” freeing my heart as an artist and lover to Him again.

I pray I am unable to get in His way.

Why the jeans? Well, for one, naked furries scare me. For two, I always thought he’d be the type to wear bluejeans since he’s a workin’ man type of guy.

I Lied (again)

Posted: July 20, 2010 in My Art, My Comics

Alright, a little bit more info on the project. It’s going to be a compilation comic featuring as many artists as I can get involved; the goal is to self-publish a small graphic novel as a team, the proceeds going to benefit More on the plot and ideas once I’ve got it all 100% nailed. But for now, a sketch of the star, who has no name as of yet:

Yeah. This is gonna be awesome once it gets off the ground. Gonna try to work on it and Penny Blood at the same time; we’ll see.

I lied

Posted: July 18, 2010 in Uncategorized

More on the upcoming project once I’ve got this WFA business out of the way.

More Upcoming Awesomeness

Posted: July 17, 2010 in Uncategorized

A new idea for a huge, awesome collaborative project has rammed it’s way into my mind. More info and pics tomorrow.

So I’m working on my first couple of Penny Blood pages, and reading Blade of the Immortal at the same time. Never got into it before, but there was a 3 buck copy at Ms. B’s so I was like “Heck yes!” I gotta say I’m loving it, but I’m a little bothered by Samura’s random switching between pen and pencil. It seems to serve little narrative purpose. In The Crow, O’Barr uses the softer effect of graphite to give a moment a more tender feeling. So in Blade of the Immortal, I find seeing the random shift to graphite can soften a moment that didn’t need to be softened.

Anyone out there get the same vibe?

Anyway, I’m thinking of using a bit of that interplay of soft and harsh, graphite and ink for Penny Blood since it deals with psychological turmoil and violence. Penny is only one half of the character, you see, and the other is much softer in personality. What do you think, is that a good narrative tool or a distraction?

To Each their Own

Posted: July 13, 2010 in Life, Musing

I was just praying and working through some ideas I’ve had, and one of them was how I feel like I’m not spending as much time as I’d like to creating. Now there was a lot going on around that about my relationship with God, not replacing the unsure Adventure of the Sacred Romance with Him with a controllable, lesser love, etc. But after He helped me work through how to see my work as an artist in a healthy light, I’m still left with that frustration.

Anyway, that frustration got me to thinking about how I tend to overstretch myself. I got into RPing with my girlfriend over at Ocean of Stars, and I really enjoy it. It helps the creative juices flow and helps me learn more about writing my characters. But, I feel like I get caught in a tug of war between that and my various art projects, and throw in my intimidation, and you get me standing still.

So of course I started to think along my usual route, which is that of “back away from stuff and recommit.” But thing is I’ve tried to do that several times and I think it’s throwing the baby out with the bathwater. What I need is a way to strike the balance, give the appropriate amount of time to my various endeavors, proportional to their importance. So I’m thinking I need to have a day that’s set aside for things like RPing, gaming, etc., that aren’t strictly “productive” or what have you but that I feel are nontheless important.

I’ve always struggled with prioritizing things. It’s just difficult for me to make things systematic. And yet getting into habits isn’t quite as hard. Maybe if I could find a way to make prioritizing a habit? I dunno; it’s just hard for me to say “okay, from this hour to this hour will be drawing time, from this hour to this hour is talking to girlfriend time, from this hour to this hour is” etc. It’s too routine, too mechanical. And yet having some kind of structure to my day actually makes me feel more free to get things done.

What can I do to make a flexible structure that doesn’t make me feel like I’m trying to control everything? That leaves room for life to happen but still more or less structures my time so that I give to each priority it’s appropriate time?

I know, on the Internet it’s pictures/video or it didn’t happen. Well fine:

It’s amazing how fast Saturday blasted by;  once I got up there, all the nervousness turned to power and I just…did what I had to do. And did it well. I think we often forget the power of continuous rehearsal, both phsyical and mental, and the simple trust in yourself. Coming with intensity once the game is on makes all the difference — all your practice and rehearsal turns to strength.

Anyway, more posts soon. I’ve got some intimidation to overcome and a webcomic to start and stuff as I recall.

Tomorrow, I go before Kwan Jang Nim Tony Thompson, cofounder of Ernie Reyes’ World Martial Arts, to test for the rank of Sa Bum Nim, that is Third Degree Black Belt, the title of which means “One who is a shining example to those around him.” I do not go alone; many come to support me, and I test next to several candidates for First and Second, and two for Third. All of whom I am proud to share the field of battle with. It is for them, if none else, that I post this.

I am constantly beset by doubt and fear today. Every nerve ending in my body seems to be on edge, the very breath caught in my throat. But I will not be defeated. I will not be crushed. I have trained hard, I have put the work in. Aye, perhaps I might have done more – but that thought shall always be present. Looking back, one can always see where he might have put more effort here, rested more here, gone right instead of left here. I cannot help the past. I cannot change what other people think or say or do. But I can control my attitude.

I am reminded that in The Book of Five Rings, “attitude” is the word used for a sword stance. Our attitudes are not simple things – they are a stance we take against forces that war against our minds, both internal and external. This year, my attitude shall be once of ferocity and courage. Courage does not come to those who know the outcome, or those without fear. Courage comes to those who must face great hardship and the outcome is uncertain, but they cling to faith, and charge forward.

I am reminded of the Pilgrim’s Progress, and now see that his test that lies before me is a living allegory such as this tale:

The Interpreter took Christian by the hand, and led him into a pleasant place, where was built a stately palace, beautiful to behold; at the sight of which Christian was greatly delighted; he saw also upon the top thereof certain persons walking, who were clothed all in gold.

So the Interpreter took Christian, and led him up towards the door of the palace; and behold, at the door stood a great company of men, as desirous to go in, but durst not. There also sat a man at a little distance from the door, at a table-side, with a book and his ink-horn be-fore him, to take the names of them that should enter therein; he saw also that in the door-way stood many men in armour to keep it, being re-solved to do to the men that would enter, what hurt and mischief they could.

Now was Christian somewhat in amaze: at last, when every man started back for fear of the armed men, Christian saw a man of a very stout countenance come up to the man that sat there to write, saying,“Set down my name, sir”; the which when he had done, he saw the man draw his sword, and put a helmet upon his head, and rush towards the door upon the armed men, who laid upon him with deadly force; but the man, not at all discouraged, fell to cutting and hacking most fiercely.

So after he had received and given many wounds to those who attempted to keep him out, he cut his way through them all, and pressed forward into the palace; at which there was a pleasant voice heard from those that were within, even of those that walked upon the top of the palace, saying,

Come in, come in,

Eternal glory thou shalt win!

Set down my name, sir.